If you’re fond of treasure games, then you’ll probably love geocaching – that is, if you haven’t heard of it before. This can be defined as an outdoor treasure hunting where the utilizes GPS-enabled devices.
Participants, on the other hand, navigate to the set of coordinates provided by the host to find the geocache containers (or simply called as geocaches) that are well-hidden in that specific area.
If you’re interested in geocaching, we’ve listed below some basic information whether if you wanted to host your own game, or participate! Up to you.
What These Containers Look Like
Geocaches come in different appearances and sizes. It can be a clear container, a canister, a bucket, or a storage box. If you’re thinking of the long-term, these containers should be made of sturdy materials that can withstand the heat of the sun and/or cold weathers.
If you’re hosting these types of events, make sure that you take into consideration the durability of these containers and consider other environmental factors to preserve the contents of the container.
These containers can be purchased almost anywhere or if you’re a little bit creative, you can even make one yourself.
Inside the container, you’ll find a logbook and for larger caches, some items. So if you find a cache, log whatever you’ve found in the log book and leave something valuable for the next person to find.
What You Can Put In Geocache Containers
Geocaching is applicable for all ages – so that’s the first thing to take into consideration. Know your audience. If your audience comprises mostly of kids, make sure to put kid-friendly stuff inside. Stuff should always be valuable for the next treasure hunter. As much as possible, only leave stuff with has equal or even greater value – not less. This makes this game more exciting and fun for everyone!
What You Should Not Place in These Containers
Since they will be stored for quite some time, and we’ll never know how long it would take for the next person to find the contents of these containers, always remember never to leave food or any other things that could easily spoil.
While this is also played by adults, you may want to consider not placing ammunition or any other explosives that could potentially bring harm and blow off the area. So again, no harmful stuff inside that could blow up the place, no temperature sensitive devices/stuff, and no food as much as possible.
Also, avoid putting in trackables that are heavily scented as animals can easily pick up the scent.
What Else Do You Need?
That’s the good thing about geocaching – you don’t need a lot of stuff. Other than the logbooks and trackables, all you need is a GPS-enabled tracking device, and treasure hunters will need smartphones for tracking these devices. That’s it! You’re done.
There’s a lot to know about this game and finding geocache containers is adrenaline-pumping and exciting! You will never know what you would find in those containers! Good luck with finding your first container!
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